Regulatory and Legal Information
“TSL” “TSL Accounting” and “TSL Consulting” are trading styles of Total Solutions UK Ltd and TSL Accounting Ltd, private limited companies registered in England and Wales, Registration numbers 2092756 and 2575919 respectively. Registered office 4 Chapel Row Bath BA1 1HN.
TSL directors and senior managers are individually regulated by their respective professional institutes and are insured through TSL for work carried out by them in the service of the Company. Craig Jenkins is the majority owner of TSL and he is regulated by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). Chartered Management Accountants work to the highest professional and ethical standards.
Ethical Conduct
All CIMA management accountants work within the framework of the CIMA Code of Ethics ( The code requires accountants to comply with the principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. We have a duty to observe the highest standards of conduct and integrity, and to uphold the good standing and reputation of the profession. The duty of a professional accountant is not exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer - as professional accountants we are obliged to act within the public interest.
Money Laundering Regulations
In common with other professional accountancy firms, we are required to identify our clients positively under the anti-money laundering legislation. We will request from you, and retain, such information and documentation as we require for these purposes and/or make searches of appropriate databases. As a specific requirement of the Money Laundering Regulations we will require you to produce evidence of identity, such as a passport, and evidence of residence. Please note that we will not be able to commence work on your accounts until these checks have been completed. By law, copies of such records must be maintained by us for at least six years after we cease to act for you.
We are supervised under the above Regulations by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. The latest relevant legislation in the UK can be found at
You acknowledge that we are required to report directly to NCA and the Revenue without prior reference to you or your representatives if during the course of undertaking any assignment the person undertaking the role of Money Laundering Reporting Officer becomes suspicious of money laundering. You will not be informed if or when such a step has been taken.
Continuity of Service
Your contract is with TSL and not any individual employee of TSL. Should your regular office, contact or specified Client Manager become unavailable for any reason, full uninterrupted service will continue for you through another qualified member of staff and/or office as applicable.
Complaints Procedure
Whilst complaints about our service are extremely rare, we do take them very seriously when they arise. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service we would ask that you write directly to our Practice Manager at our Minchinhampton office, setting out the full details of your complaint. In certain circumstances and with more complex issues it may not be possible for us to resolve your concerns immediately and we may need to carry out a more detailed investigation. If this is the case we will write to you within 5 working days to tell you who will deal with your concerns and how long it is likely to take to investigate the matter fully.
Confidentiality and Ownership of Information and Media
Apart from where required by law, or by the valid request of a lawful agency, TSL agrees not to discuss your financial affairs with any third party without your consent.
TSL owns all of the workings on hard copy or computer media that it creates from the information you provide to us. TSL also owns all notes and files relating to your account, which it creates whether from information provided by you or not. Once the accounts have been approved and signed, TSL agrees to provide you with your original documents. Should you appoint another advisor or accountant to handle your affairs in the future, TSL will provide a hard copy trial balance, balance sheet and tax computation workings for the last complete financial period that we have prepared. (Accounting services). The provision of any additional information, accounts, accounts disks or workings is entirely at the discretion of TSL and may be chargeable. (Consulting, Ad Hoc work and Accounting Services).
Legal Responsibility
When you take up our services, we will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the consultancy advice and financial information provided to you. However, TSL only acts as your agent in preparing accounting information from your own records, and you remain ultimately responsible for ensuring that you comply with your legal & fiscal obligations, and that the financial information is in fact correct. TSL is not able to assume any legal responsibility direct or consequential in relation to you or any other third party arising from the use of the advice, financial information or services provided to you by us, or for any fines, penalties or surcharges arising from late filing of accounts or returns however incurred.
Privacy Policy and GDPR
TSL is a data controller and is committed to protecting your personal data and working in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation.
Your data is used by us to enable us to fulfil our contracted services to you in relation to your personal financial and business affairs, including but not limited to accounting, consulting, tax and payroll. TSL does not share any of your data with third parties without your consent, but please be aware that TSL is a regulated professional practice and in certain cases we are legally obliged to share data with Government and authorised regulatory and enforcement authorities.
What data do we hold?
We hold data and information relating to you from a number of sources, including data that you have given to us, data from official government sources including HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions, your customers, your suppliers and your bank, including your bank account details, and your independent financial advisor (where relevant). We may also collect data relating to you from reliable publicly available sources including LinkedIn, the media, Companies House, the Charities Commission, credit and criminal record checking agencies as part of our initial or ongoing due diligence.
Our records may include:
- Personal Identifiers and personal details for example gender and date of birth, marital status, family members, copies of your driving license, passport, utility bills and other financial information including but not limited to bank and credit card statements, pension statements, mortgages, loans and HP.
- Contact Details for example address, email address and telephone numbers (and updates)
- Your Preferences - to help us engage you in the ways most relevant to
How do we use your data?
We use your data to be able to perform our professional services contract with you and to comply with our legal obligations as a regulated practice. We may also use your data to keep you informed of changes in the services provided to you or services that may be available to you.
Communications may be sent to you by post, telephone, email, text or other electronic means (for example through social media) depending on the communication preferences you have shared with us.
TSL does NOT sell data to third parties or allow third parties to sell on data where data is shared with them.
How do we protect your data? Data is held securely on TSL’s database.
Your Rights and Preferences
Unless you tell us otherwise you consent to TSL holding the data relating to you as defined in this Privacy Notice for the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice. You also agree that TSL may contact you by post, telephone, text, email or other electronic means.
If you do not consent to our holding data relating to you, or if you no longer want to receive communications by post, telephone, text, email or other electronic means, please contact the Data Management Team on 01453 732810 or
When contacting us please provide your name, and where relevant your company name. Please also specify if you wish to unsubscribe from all communications or from specific communication types or channels.
You have the right to:
- Ask us to see, correct or delete the data we hold about you
- Object to specific data uses, as described above
- Object to receiving communications and direct marketing
- Ask for the transfer of your data electronically to a third party
If you ask us to delete your data, we will maintain a skeleton record comprising your name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number, company name (where relevant), to ensure that we do not inadvertently contact you in future. We may also need to retain some financial records for statutory purposes.
Other Information
The legal basis for processing your personal data for the purposes described above is that it is necessary for us to be able to perform our contractual obligations to you, and to fulfil our legal obligations as a regulated professional practice. TSL retains financial information for between 5 and 7 years depending on the nature of the documents. Legal agreements, statutory accounts and contracts are retained indefinitely.
This Privacy Notice will be kept under review. Any changes will be updated on our website and communicated to you as appropriate. This Privacy Notice was last updated in August 2023.
TSL’s named individual responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to personal data is Craig Jenkins, who can be contacted at
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office at